
Plan Ahead

Why Plan Ahead?

In todays scenario, we are finding that parents living in Sri Lanka are on their own, having sent or seen their children abroad. This is the reality we face. Planning ahead reduces the stress on all parties concerned. The children wouldn’t have to face the red tape that goes with the passing away of a parent and remaining loved ones wouldn’t have to worry about finances.

Who should take out a Pre-paid funeral plan?

Anyone can take out a Pre-Paid Funeral Plan regardless of their age or state of health. This program provides much peace of mind for expatriates who take out pre-paid plans for their parents living in Sri Lanka.


We have a number of packages to suit every need. A Pre-Paid Funeral Plan is designed to reflect your wishes and therefore can include whatever you wish within the specified budgets.

Packages: Pre-Paid Funeral Plan is designed to reflect your wishes and therefore can include whatever you wish within the specified budgets. Contact us today to find out more.

How does it work?

A Pre-Paid Funeral is purchased in advance. The type and style of funeral the client wants is documented in a written contract and paid for at today's prices. The client will not have to pay any additional amount for that contracted funeral regardless of when the funeral is required.The client must enter into contract with us along with two other witnesses who are family or friends of the client. The witnesses would be aware of all the arrangements and detailed instructions that have been made and paid for in advance. They also act as Executors of the contract upon the demise of the client.
The client must enter into contract with us along with two other witnesses who are family or friends of the client. The witnesses would be aware of all the arrangements and detailed instructions that have been made and paid for in advance. They also act as Executors of the contract upon the demise of the client.

What if death occurs Overseas?

AF Raymond should be notified immediately. We would arrange for the transport of the deceased and attend to any statutory or customs requirements. In these circumstances there is usually an additional fee, unless the possibility is factored into the Pre-plan. This is similar to taking out an insurance scheme.

What first?

There are a number of things to consider when planning a funeral. So ask to meet one of our pre-planning advisors for a head start.